Telegram has introduced a significant update to its platform with the launch of Mini Apps 2.0. This upgrade enhances the capabilities of in-app mini-programs, empowering developers with tools like full-screen support, geolocation integration, motion tracking, and hardware optimization.
Key features of Mini Apps 2.0 include:
1. Full-Screen Mode: Users can now enjoy expanded interfaces, such as gaming in both landscape and portrait orientations. This feature also supports richer content displays.
2. Geolocation and Motion Tracking: Apps can request location data to provide contextual services, such as mapping or weather updates. Motion tracking introduces advanced controls for games and virtual reality experiences.
3. Hardware Integration: Developers can optimize app performance by accessing basic device specifications like processor and RAM.
4. Home Screen Shortcuts and Media Sharing: Favorite mini-apps can be pinned directly to the home screen, and users can share app-generated media within Telegram chats without exiting the app.
5. Subscriptions and Monetization: Developers can implement subscription plans, including gifting options, to monetize their apps effectively.
This update aligns Telegram’s vision of becoming a super app, similar to China’s WeChat, by integrating services that go beyond messaging. However, it may face challenges related to app store policies imposed by Apple and Google.
The update is now live, allowing developers to adopt these new features. For users, apps like @playdeck and @tverse demonstrate the capabilities of Mini Apps 2.0. With these advancements, Telegram further positions itself as a versatile and innovative platform for communication, gaming, and beyond.